And we're back!

After some time needed to sort things out, my site is finally back online. Thank you for your patience! Unfortunately, I lost the post on getting started in infosec for cheap(ish), but that's something I want to really revisit now that I've got some time and experience in the field.

Some other post topics that are coming soon include:

  • Preparing for your security interview
  • Finding meaning and preventing burnout
  • I'm in, now what?

I plan on writing one post a week, and while things may not be super technical all the time, I'd at least like to try to keep the cadence going.

I'll also be coming back to streaming! During the month of May I do a fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and this is our 5th year! I'm excited for this year's plans, and although things will have a late start, I'm positive we'll hit our goal.